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Green Sea Turtle with FP tumors growing on its eyes

Green Sea Turtle with FP tumors growing on its eyes

Koko Craters is one of the best sites to see Hawaiian Green Turtles (honu), which often rest on the bottom or under the lava ledges that extend over the sand.Koko Craters, located in Maunalua Bay on O'ahu, is a broad flat plain with a series of depressions sunk into the sandy bottom, with almost no coral. Maunalua means 'two mountains' and refers to Koko Crater and Koko Head, the two peaks located east of Maunalua Bay.


Worldwide Green Sea Turtles are classified as endangered, threatened by loss of nesting beaches, illegal harvesting of their eggs, and being caught in fishing gear. Coastal development is a key threat to Hawaii’s marine protected species. Hawaii’s marine animals are threatened by human-caused disease and pollution in the marine environment. Caused by excessive nitrate runoff into the marine environment, turtles can suffer from Fibropapillomatosis (FP), an infection that causes tumor growth on their bodies. Over time these tumors can impair mobility, vision, and their ability to eat.


  • Extinction Risk: Endangered
  • Scientific Name: Chelonia mydas
  • Resolution:  4K 3840 x 2160

    Frame Rate:  29.97 fps

    Bitrate:  ≈150 Mbps

    File Type:  MP4

    Codec:  H.264



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